Garfield Classroom packages On Sale
Garfield Classroom packages

Garfield Classroom packages

R 60 Sale R 120

😁🥳Platsak pakket/ Budget package 🥳😁

Online dpf package 
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* A3 100 kaart / 100 Chart
*Naamkaartjies (Editable)/ Nametags 
*Alfabet/ Alphabet 
* Alphabet banner 
* Number banner 1-50
*Getalle 1-20(getalname met prente) Numbers 1-20(name with picture
* Dae van die week/ Days of the week 
*Maande van die jaar/ Months of the year 
*A3 Welkomkaart/ Welcome chart
*A4 Verjaarsdagkaart / Birthday chart 
*A3 Weerkaart/Weather chart 
*A3 Beloningskaart/Star chart 
* Tafelmatjie/Table mat 
* Vorms 2D+3D/Shapes 2D+3D
*Klasreëls/Classroom rules 
*My body

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5.0 out of 5
(based on 1 review)
This is a great product!
Alex on Jun 10, 2024
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